Friday, April 24, 2015

Two Weeks

It has been two weeks, less a day since we laid our Senior Cat to rest. Two weeks...

I feel guilty for having a heart that healed so quickly.

I still have flashes of where I used to find our senior kitty waiting for me each and every morning. However the reminders of his twice-a-day medication are slipping by.

I love that an extreme close up of his adorable smiling kitty face flashes before me each and every time my cell phone comes to life. The ache in my heart from not seeing that loving little creature in the flesh is starting to wane.

I am so grateful we have our Back Up Cat to help fill the void. I doubt I will ever stop contrasting and comparing who he is, in comparison to who we lost. At the same time, I am wondering when and if we should think about adding a new Junior Pet into our family.

I walked around "the week after" with a quiet emptiness. It was a sad place but at the same time, it was such an honor to hold onto that ache because it kept my memories and feelings close to my heart.

Life has taken over this week and carried on.

I still miss our little black cat but I know his time on earth was so uncomfortable it was time to let him go.

I miss mourning him. That sad, soulful feeling and the quiet ache in my heart filled the void he left.

We will forever remember you, Andre. I miss missing you so much.

Little things are what I remember the most. "This" is the reason we invested in a cat fountain for our two black cats. Their love of running water is just one of many memories which I hope never die.

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