Sunday, September 29, 2013

Step One - Closing Windows

I succeeded in my goal in closing all (but one) window that was open on the computer yesterday. And boy do I feel 'warm' inside.

This morning, I woke up with more energy than I have had in a very long time. The feeling of being overwhelmed is subsiding.

I do need to get out of the habit of wandering by the computer and reopening those closed programs just to satisfy my curiosity (or is it emptiness??). But I'm off to a decent start.

I have one project that I do want to devote my 'computer time' to and that shall be my focus as I keep all excess computer programs and energy-draining gizmos and gadgets out of sight.

I gave myself the day to finish that which I had started and catch up on a few of the missed episodes of the (very few) television programs I follow.

Am I the only person in the modern world who was actually disappointed that the new season began? I enjoyed the summer of freedom-from-TV.

I have to learn to tune out the technological part of the world. I need to tune back into my inner self and see who I have become since I last checked in.

But right now? I have a full day of work to go and put in. The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish. Right?

Then I can come in and enjoy a quiet evening at home. Without a 'window' of opportunity to draw me away from what I know that I need most of all.

Keeping those windows shut is going to be a hard habit to break. Sometimes this is the only way that I feel connected to the outside, adult world. But perhaps it is because I have done this to myself.

Living life 'in person' is a better way. I will attempt to relearn that skill.

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