Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Lukeless Life and Ju-Jube Story

I have an addiction to watching "The Gilmore Girls" reruns. I have it bad.

They went and changed the afternoon showing from 2:00 to 3:00. This does not work with my daycare family's nap schedules. My kids are waking up by 3:00. This just doesn't work for me.

Have no fear. This channel replays the same episode at 10:00 p.m. and again at 3:00 a.m. so I have two more chances to catch up on what I've missed.

Of course, going to bed at 10:00 means that I will be asleep within approximately 90 seconds from the time my head hits the pillow. Only on evenings when I'm fortified with a few glasses of iced coffee and activity, am I able to stay awake until 11:00.

I wake up in the middle of the night on a regular basis. It amazes and astounds me that I never wake up during the 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. airing of the third and final Gilmore Girls episode of the day. Never!

Last night I woke up at 3:29 a.m. - right at the point that my napping two-year-old woke up and wanted to watch the "Bubble Guppies". It was at the point in the show when Luke was telling Lorelai the story of the first time they met and that he had held onto the memory and momento that marked their first meeting...

Anyway ...

When I woke up at the precise moment that I had to turn off the TV yesterday afternoon, I knew that I would never be able to stay awake for a half hour ... so I grabbed a bag of sour ju-jubes. As long as I ate, I could stay awake.

My eating skills are waning. I have limits as to how much I can eat at one sitting. Gone are the days of mindless chewing and ignoring all signs and signals that my stomach is full. I have a 'full' marker and once that point is reached, I am done.

I did my best. I ate ju-jubes mindlessly for as long as I could. I tried to chew and chew and chew to prolong one ju-jube's longevity. But I didn't succeed. I had to stop eating before the episode ended. Thus, I didn't stay awake long enough to make it through the half hour that remained. Sigh ...

I woke up this morning with a ju-jube hangover. Blech. My stomach was not happy. My head was acting like it was on caffeine withdrawal. It felt like a was cold coming on. I was in rough shape.

I told My Youngest that I didn't want to babysit kids today. Only cats. Yes. I will become a cat-sitter ...

I am one breakfast smoothie and half a cup of coffee into my day. All of my symptoms are waning. The ju-jube hangover is nearing its end.

My eyes are still heavy and I am heavy into Luke & Lorelai withdrawal.

My Youngest has asked me on a few occasions why I am so hooked on "The Gilmore Girls". He has voiced his concern and wonders if I wish that I had a daughter. No, My Son. No. It is not that at all. But I wouldn't mind 'a Luke'...

So I shall forge ahead in my Lukeless life and live another day.

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