Thursday, December 13, 2012

Creating a History

My two, 1-year-olds had gone down for their morning nap. It was just my 2-year-old and me. He wanted to sit on my lap. Perhaps more because he had just seen the two younger ones on my lap than because of his need at that very moment.

One of the girls was having a bit of trouble settling. So my 2-year-old & I talked in soft tones and we quietly wished her to sleep from a distance (it worked).

Suddenly my 2-year-old & I were back in time. It was just like his first day at my daycare. We were looking out the living room window together and talking about what we saw.

On his first day, he noticed all of the trees in our neighborhood. I counted and counted to him. Eventually we just said there are "... lots and lots and lots of trees ..."

We have talked about the trees a handful of times since that first day. We haven't mentioned the trees for a very long time. My little 2-year-old has developed more conversational skills and sees so much more than 'just the trees' when we look out the window.

But today? As I talked with a soothing, quiet voice as I willed one of our restless girls to sleep (it worked) ... it was as if my 2-year-old and I were back in time. It was our first day again.

Suddenly ... out of nowhere, he said, "Trees ... lots and lots and lots of trees ..." and we were reminded of that first day.

It feels so long ago. We have created so many more memories since that day. I'm glad he remembered. We are creating a history here ...

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