Wednesday, July 18, 2012

All That I Have ...

For as much as I feel that I have been whining about my lot in life, I am making a promise to myself to dwell on what I have ...

I not only have one job. I have two. I have the ability to wake up each morning and greet the opportunity to work. Every day.

I can sleep at night and wake up to take on whatever the day brings. I have energy, good health and the ability to take care of all of my own needs.

I have two feet that can take me where ever I want or need to go. I can walk, I can drive, I can run and I can dance. I am fully mobile and independent.

I wake up each morning with the illusion that I will 'live forever'. My body lives up to my expectations every day. I don't have the fear of a disease lurking within me trying to take away my sense of forever or my peace of mind.

I have gained a few extra pounds these past years. I have laughingly called this my 'insurance policy'. Extra padding so that if I should fall, my bones have a little cushion and hopefully they will not crack, break or shatter. Or if (heaven forbid) I should become ill, I have a few pounds that I could afford to lose. It is my thinking that this extra poundage that sneaks up on us is there for a reason.

I have friends and family that I could call on in a time of need. But I have no need to call.

I have my children and I'm enjoying each of them for the individuals that they are. Yes, I have been raising children for 34 years of my life-so-far, but I am grateful for the opportunity to be an on-going part of this ...

I have all that I need ... and more.

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