Monday, June 4, 2012

Ask ... and You Shall Receive

I love my weekends!!

I am enjoying this life where I am not racing against the clock. I accomplished a lot more in the days when I felt the need to schedule the day so that I could fit everything into it. But this Life of Leisurely Living is quite enjoyable once you get the hang of it.

I walked everywhere I had to go on Saturday. I walked for (almost) two hours. I enjoy walking. It is quiet. I let my mind wander. I am finding the peace that I have been seeking when I walk. I need to walk more. I believe this is the the quiet place that I have needed lately. And ... my feet don't hurt!! The combination of good fitting shoes and my orthotics is a good one. I have my feet again! And this is good.

I have committed myself to a few things lately. Small things. A sign language class and Zumba classes. I don't love going to either class. But I am coming to realize that I need to push myself into doing uncomfortable things in my leisure time and succeed, so that I can take that courage and apply it to my Monday to Friday world. I have learned that uncomfortable is a good thing to overcome. Saturday, I attended both classes. And I felt like a school girl at the end of the second class. The rest of the weekend was mine, to do with as I pleased!

In this life of walking, exercising and sweating ... a shower has taken on a new meaning. It feels so good to feel clean and fresh after actually getting dirty. A shower is refreshing no matter what way you look at it, but it is somehow more rewarding to scrub off a little bit of sweat, dust and grime of a day well spent. And now that my hairstyle is finally one that requires little to no primping, washing my hair is not the chore that it used to be. So I don't avoid getting dirty the way that I did when I had High Maintenance Hair. This is very good indeed!

Saturday nights are not what they used to be. Saturday nights as a newly single person used to be tough because they reminded me of what my new life lacked. It has been so long since I felt that 'loss', that Saturday nights have become a night like any other. But this past Saturday night was kind of special. My Oldest dropped by for a visit. A friend that I hadn't talk with for a while called. My Saturday night was complete and I didn't have to do a thing but show up. I like when life comes to me ... sometimes I just don't have the energy to go out and meet it half way. I've been feeling a lot of that lately. So Saturday night was perfect. I don't mind spending the evening with my own company, but the pleasure is doubled when shared with a friend.

Sunday was to be a day of brainstorming and coming up with a plan. Instead, it was day that took on a life of its own once it got started. It was another day that I just had to show up for. It was a day when breakfast was ready and waiting for me, the moment I got up and felt ready to face the world. It was a day of easy conversation. It was a day when a few people in my world reached out to me at a time when I just didn't have the energy to find them. It was a day when my written correspondence seemed to have the words that weren't coming to me before. Perhaps it was because people that know me well gave me the springboard I needed to think the thoughts and say the words that I had been stifling.

Sunday was a day of small miracles. I received everything I needed and asked for. As if to accentuate the point, I wrote of my financial shortfall for the upcoming month and named a specific dollar amount that I was lacking. Tell me this is not a sign of Powers Greater Than Myself, when within the hour, the doorbell rang and my shortfall was covered. I quietly smiled to myself and thought '... everything is going to be okay. Ask ... and you shall receive.'

I ended the weekend with a letter to my mom. I had just talked with her on the phone, so I quite honestly didn't have a lot to write about. But she has come to expect my weekly letters to arrive on time (otherwise this is a sign that all is not well in my world and she worries), so I wrote to her anyway.

It was as I wrote her letter, that the weekend ended exactly the way I needed it to. And (as it so often happens) once I let my fingers do the talking, I found the answer I was seeking. I now know where I need to start. And I know how much I need to do this. I have a plan. I must follow through ... and once I do this, I have a strong feeling that the rest of my answers will reveal themselves to me.

The brainstorming idea that I had planned for the day blew out the window in lieu of a day where prayers were answered and opportunies arose where I could just write and talk my way through.

It was another weekend that unfolded perfectly. A weekend that was full of everything that I needed. I feel energized, inspired and ready to take on the week.

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