Monday, May 14, 2012

Sunday - A Day of Whatever You Need it to Be

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. It has been for a very, very long time.

At the very beginning of my work career, I had two jobs. I was available to work seven days a week. Which I did. For a while. I can't remember when I gave myself the gift of 'Sunday'. But it has been a gift that I have tried hard to hold onto ever since.

During my daycare reign, I babysat five days a week. I worked out of our home on Saturdays. But Sundays? They were mine!! I lived for Sundays. And they were wonderful.

When I took on a paper route, I remained true to the Monday - Saturday rule. It got pretty crazy for a while as I juggled a few too many jobs. But Sunday? It was still mine!

Even when I segued from a paper route to a flyer route, I kept Sundays free. I had to deliver a Sunday paper but we were allowed to deliver it Saturday afternoon or evening. I may have delivered that paper on Sunday a few times when Saturday plans overruled my Sunday-off policy. But even at that, it was a choice. Sundays remained sacred.

My bookkeeping days were erratic. I worked when I had work. I had days off unexpectedly. So yes, I worked Sundays. I suppose that was compensated by getting days off during the week. But days off happen unexpectedly in lieu of that guaranteed Sunday off, it isn't the same.

I have been back to the Monday - Friday work week for nine months. It is a little bit wonderful. But that must change and the idea of it is shaking me up a little bit.

I must be available to work Saturday and Sunday at my new, second job. I may not be scheduled to work both days. But I must be available. I was hired a month ago and so far, I have been scheduled for one four hour shift. So far, it hasn't interfered with my Sunday rule. But that could change at any given moment.

Yesterday was an idyllic Sunday.

I savored the quiet hours of the morning. Then, I sat back and shared coffee and conversation with my Second Son and his girlfriend. I phoned Mom and had a most excellent 'Mother's Day' visit. Mom and I talked until my Second Son and his girlfriend made lunch for us. We sat on the deck and had a drink and soaked up the spring sunshine. My Youngest Son and I went to see 'The Avengers' after that. When we got home, my Oldest Son took me out for supper. I walked in the door just as the series finale of 'Desperate Housewives' was starting...

The day was absolutely perfect.

Every Sunday isn't like that. But they have the potential to be. A small part of me died inside when I signed a document that waives the right for me to enjoy this small pleasure that means the world to me.

I know in my head, that I need this second job to get us through the summer. I know in my heart, that I will miss my Sundays more than anything else.

Yesterday was a most excellent Mother's Day. Most Sundays are equally special and enjoyable. They mean the world to me. I don't want to give that up.

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