Friday, April 6, 2012

Yes Woman!

It is time to start saying 'Yes!' to life again.

I have fallen into a bad habit of saying (thinking) 'I would, but ...' I seem to have an excuse, an alibi or a very good reason to say 'No' to too many things lately.

I would exercise, but I my feet are a mess. I would enrol in a Zumba class (despite my bad feet), but I can't spend the money right now. I would apply for a different job, but I think I'm on the right path with the job I have. I would sign up for a paper route, but I don't want to be tied down six days of the week.

I should clean the house, but if I don't get started first thing in the morning my day is wasted (what kind of an excuse is that?!?!). I should walk the dog, but the other dog would be jealous. I should get busy on the book I'm 'writing', but I don't want to unless I have the perfect writing conditions. I should write up an arsenal of columns, but I have no inspiration ...

Why do I not have any inspiration?? Because I have stopped living my life!

I have allowed my current situation to envelope and deplete me. I have waves of energy but they pass before I act on them. Or I quit before I get energized with the idea of completing the job before me. Everything overwhelms me these days. There is too much to do and I have stopped taking those first steps to start the job, let alone complete it.

When you live a life of saying 'No' or finding an excuse to almost any opportunity that comes your way, you stop living.

This morning I called a friend that I have been thinking about (but not following through and calling) lately. Our conversation inspired and motivated me out of my computer chair and back into the world of the living (at least for this morning).

After I hung up the phone, I put my name in to be a volunteer for an upcoming event. I applied to be a paper/flyer carrier (but qualified that I would like to share a route or be available to cover holidays for another carrier). I printed off another resume and cover letter which I will deliver next week. I have a free fitness pass sitting beside me that I am going to use.

Maybe I don't have to say 'Yes' to absolutely everything that comes my way.  But I can work to eliminate the word 'but'. Saying 'Yes' may be scary, but saying 'No' depletes me.

Saying 'Yes' may be frightening but once you get beyond that, 'yes' opens doors and invigorates you. Getting past the fear is the hardest part. Once you overcome that hurdle, 'yes' can be intoxicating.

Go for it!! Say 'Yes' to life today .... and see what a difference it makes.

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