Friday, March 30, 2012

For a Day That Started Out So Crappy ...

I woke up in a bit of a funk this morning. I didn't seem to have the ability to move myself past it. I sat in my depressed state of mind and couldn't see the way out. I would have sat and steeped in that mindset all day if it hadn't been for one small thing: I had to go to work.

Deep down I knew that getting out of the house and facing real, live people was exactly what I needed. Even though it was the last thing in the world that I wanted.

I got to work and almost immediately I was told that I wasn't supposed to be there. They had tried to call and cancel me for the afternoon but The Powers That Be didn't get the message until it was too late.

There I was. I didn't really want to be there ... but I was. They didn't really need me ... but I was there. It is funny how things have a way of working out.

One of the full time staff was not feeling well. Because I was there and I knew how to do her job ... she could go home. And she did.

There was another substitute secretary booked to work for the full day. I was told her name but I didn't remember it. But that didn't matter because the moment she walked in, I already knew her!

We had known each other from our previous job at the Credit Union. We never did work together but through a mutual friend, we knew each other and conversation came easy. To be quite honest, to find a person that I actually know in this world of never knowing anyone was like finding an oasis in the desert.

We chatted easily and as we walked to our cars after work, the conversation continued. At one point I mentioned that we should have gone out for coffee and within moments we were exchanging phone numbers.

We discovered that we live minutes away from each other and when I gave her my phone number she just laughed and said, "That's funny!" ... our phone numbers are two digits apart. It was kind of like finding a winning lottery ticket in the parking lot after work.

I came home with a spring in my step and suddenly my dreary little life had a little sparkle in it again. For a day that started out so crappy, it sure ended on a high note!

The contrasts of life. We couldn't appreciate the small victories if life was all sunshine and roses. A few clouds now and again aren't the end of the world. Just keep looking for those rays of sunshine fighting to find their way through the darkness.

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