Friday, September 2, 2011

If It's Not Broken ...

Our downstairs computer broke around the same time that summer holidays started.

The budget was not in a place to finance a computer repair. We were going to be going away for a holiday. I worked all day so it left the upstairs computer free for My Youngest to use. Plus ... at least he would be sitting in a room full of windows verses the sun deprived basement. Fixing that computer never became a priority.

I have been seriously considering moving the TV out of the living room.

Since the TV has taken up residence in centre of the house, I have wasted more time in front of that box than I care to admit. Granted, I can rarely stay awake any longer than a half hour ... but still. If I could bank all of the extra hours that I have slept in front of the TV since it moved into the living room, I believe that I could probably stay awake for at least a week.

I'd been toying around with the idea of getting the computer fixed but I kept weighing the pros and cons. I have seen more of My Youngest since the computer broke.

I thought of moving the TV out of the living room. If the TV was gone, I would rarely be in the living room at the same time as My Youngest.

So I have done nothing.

Last night, My Youngest was at the computer. I had just sat down to watch TV. He looked over and said, "Have you noticed that after 7:00, it seems that we are always within eye contact of each other?"

We may not chat up a storm. We may not be doing something together. But we are sharing the same space. Breathing the same air. We are each doing what we want to do and not intruding on the other's space. Within the same room.

"If it's not broke don't fix it"?? What if it works better when it is broken? Don't fix it!

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