Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Is Prosperity Knocking ... and I'm Not Answering the Door?

~ My horoscope for this week ~ "Prosperity knocks on your door. And so will a lot of other visitors who have nothing to do with your future good fortune. Luckily, it's not too difficult to figure out which opportunities are the best. It won't be a logical decision - just something you know in your gut immediately as you confront your various options."

I've been savoring the gradual return to life-as-I-know-it since my return to reality (one week ago yesterday). As I've been sliding down this gentle slope, I can't stop thinking "... and where do I go from here?"

I read my horoscope and I thought "Yes! Prosperity is going to come a-knocking. I have options. I trust my instincts ..." I just have to answer the door.

Could it be that my future lies in something that I have already begun? All I have to do, is sit back and listen to my own voice and I know what fuels me. More importantly, I know what does not.

There is that which I hold onto, because it is safe. It is not entirely a comfortable fit. But it's easy ... because all I have to do is 'show up'. Is it holding me back? Is it a necessity? Do I have choices? Or am I locked in to this life-as-it-is?

Taking steps out of the safe zone and into the unknown is a frightening prospect. I keep postponing the inevitable because I have this, that or the other excuse. As it is with any daunting task where the end goal feels so illusive ... one must take one step in a forward direction. Followed by another.

I know where my passions lie. I have even opened the door to many of those opportunities. I have started the process of following these passions. I simply have to finish what I have already started.

It is not only a matter of answering the door. Not only do I have to walk through the door. I may have to close the door behind me and look towards the future.
My last photo of Anchorage, Alaska
"A New Horizon" awaits

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