Monday, August 2, 2010

I Do Like My Job After All!!

It's been rather exhilarating to be excited and challenged about my bookkeeping the past week.

Yes, I've been frantically trying to log the necessary hours. But there is something else that takes over when you get beyond feeling overwhelmed. The challenge of keeping up and doing each task to a state of completion which means that you will never see it again.

I have done, undone, redid, checked, double checked and have still had to redo many of the mundane bookkeeping tasks that have been set before me in my (almost) two year 'career' with this company. I am finally at the state where I feel that I know what must be done ... the first time.

Checks and balances. I love them. I love being able to take a huge job and break it down into manageable segments. I like being able to check my work. It can't come back to haunt me if it is done properly the first time.

I am surrounded by buckets, boxes and files. But they aren't intimidating me any more. I've got the bulk of the work conquered. I find myself wanting to dabble in one job that I haven't completed to my own satisfaction.

But today? I am granting myself a day off of work. A day to follow my whims and go where ever the wind blows.

I can't believe that I am actually having a hard time convincing myself to keep my hands off of my work.

Ahhh ... maybe this career wasn't such a bad choice after all.

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