Thursday, July 8, 2010

Music and Lyrics

"A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex. ... But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical." ~ "Music and Lyrics"

It's always a catchy melody that grabs my attention. Music that strikes a chord in my heart and in my soul. Fun and peppy ... deep and resonating in my heart ... something that makes you want to dance ... something that makes you feel. Yes, it's the 'physical attraction'.

Then come the lyrics. I love when the words tell a story that touches my world.

I have recently stumbled onto Internet radio. Our local FM radio stations were a thorn in my side. Too many advertisements, too much talking and finally when the music would start to play, it was an annoying cacophony of notes and words that assaulted my senses. I preferred the quietness of my thoughts over the brash 'music' that eventually hit the radio waves.

I turned off the radio in the car several years ago. My Son gave me a CD player for Christmas shortly thereafter. I burned a few CD's with some of my musical favorites and played them over and over again in the car. Once again, silence was sometimes the music of choice after hearing the same songs for the bazillionth time.

My discovery of an Internet radio station that plays 'my kind of music' all day long, with precious few moments that aren't musically inclined has broadened my horizons. I love that music is once again touching my world in new and improved ways. My own music collection is benefiting from a new selection of songs.

Then I watched the movie "Music and Lyrics". I love the quote about the magical quality of the combination of the music and lyrics. It's exactly how I feel. I just hadn't put the thought to words.

I love when a movie can do that for me.

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