Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hooked on Learning

I am in the last leg of my educational journey. But it's far from over. I'm hooked. I love learning.

This quest to update my employability skills has taught me many things. Some of what I learned are small, time-saving tips and tricks around the computer keyboard and Internet.

I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't realize that the home keys of the keyboard have a small, raised 'dash' that you can feel with your fingertips. No more looking down, to make sure that my hands aren't writing in code as I type something with my fingers one key over. I didn't know that putting quotation marks around your request in Google specified your search to 'exact words in the exact order'.

I have a new love interest. Move over 'MicroSoft Word' ... 'MicroSoft Excel' is my new and exciting toy. I will still be loyal to 'Word', but I am having an affair with 'Excel'. It's an amazing time-saving tool. And for one who loves to track their financial status, it makes budgeting fun!

It amazed me that no matter what new book that I opened, I found so much more than I expected.

Who would have guessed that I would have found self confidence in between the covers of 'Job Search and Resume Writing'? I found writing/outlining tips in many of the courses. Oh, the new found knowledge that I have to help me put together my dad's family history story! Then there was the conflict resolution chapter in my 'Intrapreneurship' course. I loved that chapter. I wanted to go out right then and there and create world peace. I fell in love with the idea of 'Web Page Design' in a few pages at the end of one of my books.

I learned about many of the tools of the trade - the computer accounting programs that make the life of a bookkeeper so much easier. But I also learned the basics of bookkeeping. Boring stuff to write about, but it always helps to start from a solid foundation so that you know the nuts and bolts of what you are trying to accomplish.

With every new book I opened, I was able to transport what I already knew and enhance it. With some courses, I knew very little. But the concept of placing 'real life' into the scenarios I was learning, helped to make the learning process stick with me.

It's been exercise for my brain. And my brain is loving it. I have had a most wonderful ten month stint of enhancing my knowledge base. My mind has been so busy learning, that it has had very little time to focus anything negative.

They say endorphins are released when you exercise your body. I'm not sure what chemical is released in your brain when you learn, but I'm hooked on it.

I have learned that 'embracing lifelong learning' is the key to workplace success. It doesn't just apply to the workplace. Lifelong learning is any capacity releases something positive within.

I highly recommend exercise for the mind. Take a dance class ... read a book ... watch the Discovery Channel. Open your mind to new input and ideas. Exercise your brain.

Lifelong learning is the key to many things. A career is just the beginning.

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