Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Traditions

Our new tradition of a family Sunday supper has been put by the wayside for several weeks.

First of all there was Christmas, and we were scattered out among a few provinces. Then First Son went on a holiday so there wasn't a formal 'Sunday Supper' in his absence. This past Sunday was to be the return of our new found ritual.

Then it happened.

Life got in the way. Some unforeseen plans came up and there was uncertainty if the supper-date would be attainable. I don't want our family suppers to be a job for any of us, so I naturally adopted a go-with-the-flow attitude. If things work out, let me know. If not, we would fall back and have our Sunday Supper on Monday.

As it turns out, I was the one who messed up the plan. When I didn't get a call regarding a change in plans by mid-afternoon, I decided that My Youngest and I were in need of an outing. We decided to go and see a movie on the spur of the moment.

I love spur of the moment. My Youngest has been doing a lot of babysitting lately and he has sacrificed some of his weekend-time with his friends to take on this responsibility. So when his friend wasn't home when he called on Sunday afternoon, I decided to swoop in and take advantage of the moment.

I'm glad that I did.

My Youngest is quite content in his/our world. But I know from experience, that these years are all too fleeting. There are moments in time that we simply won't get back. And the stronger our relationship is before he enters the Trying Teens, the better off we will be in the years to come. So yes, I worry. I need to know I'm doing my best.

As it turns out, had we not gone to see the movie our Sunday Supper would have unfolded as planned. Whoops. I had a moment where I felt like I was choosing between my children and I didn't enjoy the sensation. But I knew that I was, where I was meant to be.

We had our Sunday Supper last night. And it was better than I could have hoped for. A weekday supper had each of us in a slightly different mind-set. It felt relaxed. It felt right. I knew that we were, where we were meant to be.

This family supper tradition is new for us. But it is amazing. As my Two Oldest compare notes on holiday destinations and life, I feel the years between them starting to close. I love the fact that I can sit back and listen to the two of them converse. They don't need me in the middle to guide the conversation or mediate a topic. All is calm. All is bright.

It is a new tradition. One that I hope doesn't get lost in the chaotic world of day-to-day-living. They say it takes three weeks to form a habit. We are past the three week mark. But I know from experience ... that it only takes once to break that habit.

I'm glad that we haven't broken our habit.

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