Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Quiet Thoughts

My head was awake long before my alarm went off this morning. Even so, I revelled in just lying still (long after my alarm went off), enjoying the warmth ... the quiet ... the peace of mind.

I am sitting here with my coffee, sitting in the glow of our Christmas lights. No other lights. This ... is what I love.

I have a myriad of thoughts wafting through my mind ...

As I looked at the burn (this time it's not a cooking burn ... though don't ask me how I did it ... I burnt my neck) that is almost healed and at the small gash on my hand (I stabbed myself with an Exacto knife ... amazing how quickly and how much one bleeds when you do that) ... and I thought of the cold that I thought I was going to have to battle last week (as I suffered with a sore throat during the nights) ... I marvelled at my body's ability to heal itself.

Our bodies are amazing when they are in good working order. The healing powers that we carry within ... the antibodies that wage wars for us and make us well. Our brain that is the nerve center of it all and carries the messages to various parts of our body to 'do what has to be done'.

Yes, when our bodies work according to plan, they are a wondrous things.

Then ... when they don't, we have a medical system in place that can (often) spot what needs to be fixed ... and it can (often) offer solutions on how to fix it.

As I wrote that, I couldn't help but think of the people that I know that have varying health challenges that they face every day.

The diseases that are chronic and become a way of life. Hearts that need medical attention. Tumors and cancers that have tried to take up residence within. The deterioration that comes with the wear and tear that we put our bodies through. The after effects of fighting off a virus (shingles comes to mind, as I know a handful of people who have been affected with that this year).

As I sit and reflect on the people who are battling various conditions, I'm reminded how very fortunate I am to have a body that is in good running order.

We are very fortunate when our doctors can pinpoint exactly what is wrong with a body part and fix us up. Though every surgery carries risks, the potential of a positive outcome is high in a lot of cases. Although it is very minor in comparison, I can't help but think of the gratitude that I felt when I walked into the hospital feeling pretty rotten one day ... and walked out (after hernia surgery) the next afternoon feeling a little tender from surgery, but I knew that the underlying cause of my discomfort was eradicated. It was a miracle.

There are those that wake up every morning knowing that they must find a way to best manage their symptoms, for which there is no magical surgery to erase the source of their discomfort. Yet many times what I see within those people is an amazing ability to forge on.

Yes, as I gazed at the gash on my hand and the healing burn on my neck ... I was grateful. And I am thinking about those who are facing their own personal battles. They are the true heroes in my mind.

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