Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dreary Choices

My horoscope for the week: "If the so-called "right choice" is a dreary one, it probably isn't so correct after all. Who said you can't have fun and still be a moral person? Examine your rules for yourself, and consider chucking the dreadfully boring ones this week. Thursday, a free-spirited friend will liberate you."

Sounds like it could be an interesting week if I follow what my horoscope says.

When it comes to day-to-day ... week-to-week ... every day kinds of choices, I tend to make safe decisions. The tried and true, the known verses the unknown and whatever has worked in the past. I don't invite a lot of excitement into my daily living. I'm too busy trying to get everything that (I think) needs to be done ... done.

But every now and again, I throw myself for a loop and choose to do something out of the ordinary.

Yesterday, I had a rather undreary kind of day. I ended up meeting my Second Son for coffee in the middle of my school day. That felt rather exciting and different. I felt like I was playing hooky from school, but I signed out when I left. This is allowed. But it is something that I've never done before, so it felt exciting.

I came back to school and helped my 'team' decorate our door for Christmas (we are supposed to decorate with a theme that is related to the classes we are taking - how do the accounting students decorate?? ... we came up with a money tree). The next thing I knew, it was time to go home. That was the fastest school day in history.

Then ... I came home and got a call from a childhood friend. We have exchanged Christmas cards ever since we ran into each other several years ago at our home town reunion. When we parted ways (2+ years ago??) that summer, we said "We should get together"... we didn't. When we exchanged Christmas greetings, we would write "We should get together in the new year"... we never followed through. Last year, I emphatically wrote "I'm not just saying this - we should get together soon"... I forgot. This year, I wrote "Let's meet for coffee at Tim Horton's at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, the 19th of Dec)". And ... I got a call from this friend this afternoon. She said "That works perfect! I'll see you then!"

How's that for an undreary day???

Add to that, the fact that I've formally decided to relax and enjoy the idea of going away to the upcoming dance competition. I couldn't get the words "Are you crazy???" to stop running through my head until I explained my thought processes to every person I met (yes ... as Second Son would say ... I over-talk ... everyone and their dog has heard me lament about my crazy decision to fly off and partake in this dance event). But, I'm letting the guilt go. I am simply going to plan and anticipate the entire holiday and event.

I also made a formal promise to myself (and to 'the world') that I will complete my dad's family history within the year. I've written it, I've made a commitment. I must follow through.

Whew! And it's not even Thursday yet. I wonder how I will be 'liberated' by a free-spirited friend when I've already liberated myself??

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