Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Inner Child

Today is the day. I've been awake for hours and tired isn't even a part of my vocabulary this morning. I'm eagerly anticipating the day ... but not wanting any one part of it to go too fast, for fear that I won't be able to savor each and every moment. Today is 'showcase day'.

Yesterday ... I allowed myself to be a 'girl'.

I pampered myself by getting my nails done. I ran out and bought some sparkly jewellery. I went to the dance studio (and just like a kid), I eagerly rummaged through my bags and put on all of my new jewels. I glittered and shone. I felt like a kid playing dress up. I gushed with glee.

Then, came the time to run through our routines one last time before 'the day'. Instead of worrying about all of the places where I have been known to routinely mess up, I concentrated on my hands and arms. As they were adorned with glitter, I flung them higher and with more gusto than I usually do. The routines? They are a blur. I know I messed up a little on one; I know that I got a part right (that I sometimes stumble over) on the other routine. I cheered. For myself. I asked my instructor if I could do that today. Just yell "YAY!" when I got something right.

I felt like a little kid. I acted like a kid. I overheard: "She's just like the kids"

It's fun to let go of a few inhibitions and let your inner child shine. This is a part of me that rarely gets unleashed. I'm just going to go with the flow of wherever this inner child takes me.

It's a princess-for-a-day kind of feeling. It's a feeling that you don't often get to live, once you become an adult. You primp and worry about girlish things ... you dress up ... you put on sparkly jewellery ... and you shine.

What I love about this day, is that it is not just about me. I'm surrounded in a ballroom full of other prince and princesses. They may not be on the same cloud that I'm wafting on, but they'll be in a place of their own choosing. If anyone can get caught up with me in this spell, I'd love to share this magical ride.

It's all about dance today. Performing what we've been working on and watching the results of everyone else's hard work.

The best part, is seeing the culmination of our dance instructors' work. As their students go out on display, the underlying talent is that of our teachers. Where would we be without them?

The work and time that it takes to put all of this together boggles my mind. They create a day very much like a wedding day. Not only do they teach us all that we know ... but they choreograph this entire event. The venue, the program, the details that make it all so special. They find professional dancers who will not only watch and critique our routines, but will perform for us tonight. Then there is the evening ... supper, the pro-dance-show, our group will finally perform our routine ... the visiting and dancing and spirit of the day all wrapped up into one perfect package called a 'showcase'.

A day where princesses and glass slippers don't seem like that, out of a fairy tale. A day where you feel lifted out story book, with the ability to live it in real life. A day to let your inner child shine.

1 comment:

  1. Colleen - it was indeed a magical day and there were many prince and princesses but we couldn't help but feel that the princess we went to see really did shine today and it wasn't just her sparkly jewels. It was so nice to meet your sisters and to see Yvette there. My mom said she would only stay for an hour and she ended up staying almost to the end so that was special too. It really was a day to let your inner child shine and you did
