Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Answers Within

As I am regaining some flexibility in my neck and shoulder once again, and I am wondering why I let the discomfort get this far before I did anything. The answer was within me all the time. I just put it into action.

Stretching my muscles through some mild yoga exercises has done wonders for me. I think the visual image of stretching my spine has done just as much. Every time I consciously elongate my back bone, I feel better.

I have been thinking that I should do some stretching for a very long time. It takes very little time and not much physical exertion. Why didn't I just do it instead of sitting here just thinking about it??

There are so many answers within this busy head of mine. The projects I want to get started ... the conversations that I want to have ... personal goals. The place that I'm hovering in - that spot of indecision where I'm wavering, yet not making a yes or no choice. It is wasting my energy.

I've had several different conversations, scenarios and to-do items wafting through my brain this week. I'm at the point where I must act.

The answers lie within me. I know what I have to do. I just have to do it.

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