Monday, September 28, 2009


As a book project that I've been helping a friend work on is in the final stages before it goes to press, I'm looking at it one last time. From a new perspective.

As this book has gone from one stage to the next, we keep looking at it in new ways. From the computer screen in front of us ... to the 'print preview' (where you can see how the document will appear on the printed page) ... to printing it off and looking at it on paper. There are two of us working on the project, each with a different eye and we notice different things. We bounce ideas off of each other and we keep thinking we are done. And finally ... we have completed our mission. Or so I thought.

As I transferred this to the 'PDF file' last night/today, I'm seeing it from yet another vantage point. Little things that I missed are now glaring at me. More changes and edits.

I couldn't help but think of 'life' as I was thinking of all of these varying perspectives.

Someone I know is going through a very thorough self-examination of their life at the moment. They are examining their past, their actions, habits, relationships and every little nook and cranny of 'life as they know it.'

What impresses me most about this person, is their honesty and quest to dig to the heart of the matter. They aren't looking for easy answers or excuses. They are taking this as an opportunity to make changes that will affect their relationships and life from this point on.

They are thinking, researching, talking and listening. They are talking to friends, family and professionals. They are talking to people that see things from a different perspective than they do. And they are looking for brutally honest answers.

It's very hard to look at yourself honestly. The way you internalize and perceive life is as individual as your fingerprint. Yet most of us strive to be accepted and want to build solid relationships in our lives.

Every person in your life sees a different part of you. Every encounter with a person involves at least two different people's point of view. Two people can describe the same incident and both see a completely different side to the exact same situation.

It's all about perspective.

And as it is, with this book that I am desperately trying to send off ... I can keep coming back at it from a new direction and see many more things that I could change. The process could be endless. But at some point, I do have to be content that I've done all I can. And move forward. Even then, I'll continue to notice other things. It may be too late for this book ... but I'll know for the next time.

As is is in life. All you can do is learn as you go. Keep the important lessons, move forward, keep looking at life and yourself in different ways and remember all you've learned for the 'next time' ...

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