Friday, September 25, 2009

Overflowing Brain Syndrome

That's it. My brain is officially full.

I was talking to a neighbor that I've chatted to throughout the years (the vandalism on our street has definitely bonded the neighborhood) and I finally thought to ask her what her name was. She no sooner said it, and I forgot it. I saw her lips move. I heard her voice. But the name? Poof! Gone ...

I was talking to one of the parents I babysit for, who got a new job. He was enthusiastically telling me all about it and all that this new store sold. I asked him on 3 occasions (and I know that I've been told, at least twice before that) who he worked for. And I knew (even before he left), I had already forgotten again. I was consciously trying to remember the name. Honestly trying.

Then there was my dance lesson last night. It was definitely good for a laugh. My instructor's parting words to me as we finished off the lesson were "It's been interesting." Later on in the group class he taught, he was saying there is no such thing as 'wrong' ... 'different' maybe, but not wrong. How about 'interesting'?

I wrote 2 exams this week and my school brain can relax for the weekend (I have put in my school hours for the week and have today off, to spend with the school kids who have yet another day off of school).

Things on the home front feel a little calmer. There is still lots going on for my kids, but I'm feeling a little more grounded and I have separated myself from taking on their troubles. I'm still ready, willing and able to listen and walk with them through these unknown paths. They aren't alone ... but I'm not carrying their weight either.

My little bubble of security feels firmly back in place once again. I fell into a deep and worry-free sleep last night (as I 'watched' a movie with Kurt). Exhaustion didn't even begin to describe the sensation I felt as I lifted my weary body off the couch and maneuvered myself to my room.

Maybe I can clear a few items off the 'to-do' list today so that I can steal some time on the weekend to watch a few of the shows from the new season. The funny thing is, that I'm not even all that anxious to throw myself back into the TV habit.

I'm so ready for the weekend. These past 4 weeks in my 'new life' have felt somewhat exhausting. Change is tiring.

My brain is beyond full. I'm ready to empty out the excess, keep what's important and keep adding some new stuff. Next week ...

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