Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life is What Happens ...

There's nothing more eye opening in life, than feeling like you wake up one day and life as you knew it and expected it to be ... is all but a memory.

It can happen to anyone. An accident or illness that completely upends the plans that you had for your life. An unexpected loss of a job. A family crisis. A relationship ends ...

There is such peace in waking up and feeling like you know what is in store for you. 'Ruts' as I call them. Comfortable and familiar, you walk mindlessly through your days and do the same things, act the same way, take life and relationships for granted and assume that tomorrow will be more of the same.

Even when you know 'life' isn't perfect and that there are ways you could improve it or yourself, it is far too easy to keep doing what you've always done. Living your days as you have done for what seems like an endless amount of time.

But every now and again, a person's world gets shaken.

If we are very lucky, no matter what happens ... we can pick up the pieces that remain and go on. When we pick ourselves up and carry on, we have a choice. To put the puzzle back together exactly how it was and go on doing the same thing, thereby recreating the sequence of events that got us to that low point. Or ... we can pick up some of the better pieces, cast a few of the old ones aside and try to rebuild something 'new' within ourselves.

I have 'recreated myself' a few times as life went on. Each rebuilding process hurt a little bit more than the one that preceded it. The last 'loss' in my life was the most painful of all. But you know what? In the rebuilding process, I added some brand new 'pieces' to my life. And I believe that this creation is the best one yet ...

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