Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Dawn of a New Day

I start my mornings the same way. Every day. I make my breakfast smoothie and a cup of coffee and I 'breakfast' at the computer.

I check my emails (I have an inspirational email that I receive every morning and on really good mornings I may find an email from a friend or family). I have a handful of blogs that I check in on. I play word puzzles if I have time. I blog and email with whatever time is left over.

It's a most wonderful routine that wakes up my brain and gets my thought processes rolling for the day.

This morning, I seem to have found inspiration at every turn. Here are just a few sentences out of the various reading that has found its way into my world this morning:'

"1000 excuses for failure. Never a good reason."... Mark Twain

"The biggest problem most people face is not in doing something, it's in making the decision to do it. Inner resistance is almost always more prevalent than external factors" - Kit Grant

"Live more. Grab at life and hold on, and experience new things and learn new things, so when it's really time to write your first novel, you have something to say." - Erica Orloff

" ... blessed are those who grieve, even if they don’t feel blessed ..." ( The Spohrs are Multiplying)

"Dance, Dance, Dance wherever you may be...........I am the Lord of the Dance said he." - Lord of the Dance (a quote that was included with an email from a friend)

The words I read fill me up as much as my breakfast smoothie. Food for thought, words that make me smile, think, reflect and be grateful for my quiet, humble life. I jostle my memory and word recall with the various puzzles I play. It's aerobics for my mind.

I absorb these words, internalize them, store them up. What comes out of all that I see, hear, read about and experience, seems to find its way onto this blog.

My sister often tells me that she is amazed at the words that I have within me every day. I think we all have a massive amount of internalized words. Our inner voice that has a running dialogue going on within our minds every minute of the day. I've just found a way to release some of the thoughts that circulate within my brain, so I've got room for more.

As I fill my morning with other peoples words and reflections on the world as they see it ... I take out of it what I can ... and face the new day fueled with a renewed perspective. It's a new day ... every day.

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