Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Lesson in Perspective

I've been a little off my game lately. Letting little things get under my skin and irritate me ... probably because I haven't had anything more important to worry about.

This week, I've had some gentle reminders to put my little worries into perspective. There are people all around me that are facing tremendous challenges in their personal lives and taking it all in stride. Handling crisis's heroically and facing up to what must be faced.

As if I don't know of enough of these 'heroes' personally, I have been seeking them out (as I continue to follow the blogs of the 2 families that I mentioned in my 'Heroism Among the Tears' blog last week). I seem to be drawn to these people as they write their way through the pain. I am an anonymous voyeur into their lives as I empathize with their situation and am inspired by their courage.

Yet ... I am at arms length to the people in my own life. It is time to 'reach out and touch someone' that I know. It's time to let the petty annoyances in my life sit on a back burner where they belong and prioritize where I spend my energy.

It is time to put the small stuff into perspective.

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