Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Love Weekends!

Having sacrificed 2 day weekends for 8 years, I am still in awe of having 2 consecutive days off ... every week.

The luxury of having the time to both relax and accomplish great things over the course of a 2 day weekend amazes me. In the land of one day weekends, I raced around in a frantic pace to take care of the must-do items on my agenda so that I could afford that down time.

In my new world, I can go away for a day without a second thought. I can make plans for a short get away. I can run errands on the weekend and still have time to sit back and take it easy. I can push myself hard one day and know that I have a second day, to do as I choose. I can afford to take an entire 'cat day' to myself.

Cat days. I love them! As our cat enjoys his life of leisure (where he can eat, sleep and do what he wants, when he wants), I have aspired to have days like those. I tell him (the cat) time and time again how lucky he is. He looks at me with his soulful cat eyes as if to say "I haven't got it all that great. You won't let me run at large outside!"

It never fails. That greener grass in the other pasture is always beckoning to us, no matter how lush our own pasture is. I can remember my dad telling me that it is human nature to always want more. You will think that you want something ... then as soon as you get it, you will want something else. Something more.

I guess that is what keeps us growing, learning and thriving. That push to be more, do more, see more and live more.

I look at my life, my world and all that surrounds it and I couldn't be more grateful. But yes ... I'm looking beyond. I still have hopes, dreams and aspirations. Thank goodness for that, otherwise every single day would be a 'cat day'.

The best thing about those days of following your whims and doing only what you want to do, is that they are mixed in among days of busyness, demands, doing, going and being all that you need to be doing. One needs that contrast in life, to appreciate the small things.

I am grateful to have 2 days out of every week that can be lived on a whim. I love my 2 day weekends!!

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