Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Step Forward ...

I feel like I'm taking 2 steps backward for every forward step ... but I'm continuing to make some headway regardless.

The sugar overload from the other night has my appetite in a craving mode. It's crazy. And I haven't had much willpower to stop it. But I stopped eating after 7:00 at night if that counts for anything. Next week's goal shall be to conquer the sugar.

I haven't had much bookkeeping work this week so I started formulating ideas as to what to do with that extra time. Yesterday ... I read a book, ate popcorn and ice cream. Today ... I made some headway on a book project that I have started. One step forward and no steps back on that particular challenge.

I have let myself feel bogged down with 'impossible things' lately. I hate when I feel so overwhelmed that I don't know where to start. But I wrote out a step by step list today. When you have so much to do, that you don't know where to begin ... you start by taking that first step. I took one step and I'm well on my way on the second step today.

I have too many ideas in my mind right now. My thoughts are many and fleeting and I am not acting on enough of them. So I have given myself a deadline and expectation on one particular project. Then after that goal is attained, I can then forge onto my next goal. Multitasking is not the way to go.

One step forward ... and one step away from the computer. Time to put this day to rest so that I may make another step forward tomorrow.

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