Sunday, January 18, 2009

2 Mountains Down!

Okay! The second 'mountain' was conquered yesterday!! I have completed 2 of the monumental tasks that faced me. I have a few more mountains to face in the near future. But for now, I can enjoy the scenery from where I am. And climb a few 'hills' if I get restless.

A "Mountain Wings" email that I received yesterday talked of the diversities of life. How a person needs to feel one thing to appreciate the other.

"You wouldn't know cold without hot. Soft without hard. Dry without wet. Light without dark. Easy without difficult. Love without hate. Peace without war. Health without sickness. Prosperity without want. Joy without sadness."

Yes, I do appreciate the contrasts of life. Though more often than not, it is when I'm on 'easy street' that I appreciate the tough road it took to get there. Isn't that usually the way?

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