Sunday, September 7, 2008

Focus on Family

This past year has been one of focusing on the group of people who are a composite of who I am. My family.

From small little things like the harmony within my own small family of 3 sons ... to reaching out in new ways to include my siblings and Mom ... finding a way to get to know Mom's sisters as we collected stories for her family's history ... and now I am reaching out to my Dad's side.

I've made the step of approaching them about the idea of putting together their story ... and today I am getting together with the cousins that live in the city. There are 7 of us that live close together and due to the busy pace of life that encompasses all of us ... and the fact that it is foreign territory to reach out to a cousin (that we really didn't know well as a child), as an adult ... we have never gotten together as a group. As we gathered at an anniversary celebration a few weeks ago, it touched me to feel that 'connection' to people that I really don't know on a personal basis. I called my cousins and tested the waters on this cousin-gathering ... and I couldn't believe the response! They completely echoed my enthusiasm and excitement over this idea of getting together and getting to know each other better!!

I am hooked. Trying those 'impossible things' - things that simply aren't comfortable to do. If an idea comes to mind that feels right ... follow your heart!! The one thing that I've been finding out as I travel down this new road of trying 'impossible things', following my whims and heart and focusing on family ... is that more often than not, the person on the receiving end was as ready for the 'contact' as I was.

Someone has to take that first step. Sometimes it is someone else. But every now and again, it may be you or I.

I am full of anticipation as I await what this day has in store! There is a lot of excitement in my days right now. Focusing on my family has really strengthened my 'roots'. I highly recommend it!

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